Business and Administration Management (Grenoble)

The Business and Administration Management department offers a DUT which encompasses the diverse management activities.

Managing is making decisions to ensure the performance and development of an organization. This program allows students to learn to manage accounting, financial, commercial and logicistic resources while emphasizing on communication skills. The DUT takes two years to complete in one of the following specializations:
  • Finance and Accounting Management (GCF in French)
  • Organization Administration and Management (GMO in French)
  • Human Resources Management (GRH in French)
The Business and Administration Management department offers an education that aligns with the needs of companies and local authorities thanks to the narrow collaboration with our professional partners. The alumni network of our department also provides students with assistance and opportunities in- and outside the IUT2.

Our department is located in an extraordinary site downtown, in an exceptional listed building, that overlooks a unique architectural ensemble. The department's association "K'FETE" equips students with a dynamic work environment and a superb way of creating a professional network

Business and Administration Management programs



Les Licences Professionnelles en alternance

Published on  July 7, 2017
Updated on September 7, 2021