There is a great diversity of cultural facilities in Grenoble with the overwhelming majority offering discounted tickets for university students. Grenoble and its surroundings are also home to numerous festivals (Festiv'arts, Les détours de Babel, Le printemps du livre, Le Millésime, Les rdv de la Resistance...)
The IUT2's cultural actions
During institutional and tutored projects students organize cultural actions throughout the year.
The University of Grenoble's cultural actions
Every month, "L'Ouvre-Boîte" offers numerous cultural activities to the whole university community on campus and downtown.
Outings : Some of the prominent cultural locations in Grenoble
Ampérage : Theater Le Magasin : National Center of Contemporary Art Eve : Student Life Center, in the heart of the Grenoble campus ( Bar, concerts, shows) La basse cour : Theater café dedicated to laughter and humor La Bobine : Café that organizes concerts and shows Le Mélies : Art Film Cinema Le Prunier Sauvage : Cultural life venue MC2 : National Scene - Theater, concerts... Musée de Grenoble : Art Museum La Belle Electrique : Concerts and other shows
This is a non-exhaustive list, you can find all cultural venues and their respective programs on the website of the "Ville de Grenoble" and on the website of the "Office du Tourisme". The weekly program can also be found every Wednesday in the "Petit Bulletin".
Published on August 24, 2017 Updated on March 8, 2021
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