Who are we ?
The IUT2 as part of Université Grenoble Alpes
The IUT2 is a department of the Université Grenoble Alpes. The program is recognized by a national diploma: the Bachelor universitaire de technologie (BUT - 3-year undergraduate degree). Students can also earn a DUT, Diplôme universitaire de technologie (2-year undergraduate degree) over one year under the ‘année spéciale’ program, or in continuing education. The IUT is also perfectly compatible with the Licence-Master-Doctorat (Bachelor, Master and Ph.D.) structure thanks to its BUT and professional bachelor's diplomas.
Instruction, both theoretical and applied, is provided by teaching teams composed of tenured teachers and temporary instructors with professional experience. The research laboratories of Grenoble's four universities have welcomed the IUT2's teacher-researchers for many years.
Our aim is to combine an educational approach and research capabilities that draw on our exceptionally rich local and regional setting, in connection with the dynamism of the professional sphere.
A close-knit organization
The IUT2's advantage is that it brings together different academic "departments" covering a diverse range of employment sectors while remaining a close-knit organization. This makes it possible to provide students with individual support while enabling them to establish their independence.
Student participation in IUT2 life
Students can get involved in IUT2 projects, including through the student affairs office (BDE) of each academic department, or through the Inter'9 association. Students taking part in sports or artistic activities, or participating in the completion of institutional projects, may also earn extra credit.
IUT2 presentation video
Updated on February 7, 2022