The Paralegal Studies department is one of the nine departments in France that proposes a two year program which trains intermediary executives in law and management for the services sector. More precisely, this program combines public and private law as well as accountancy, business administration, communication and languages. During the second year the student carries out a three-month work placement which allows him or her to become familiar with the professional world.
The professionalizing goal of the curriculum implies learning the concepts and techniques of legal sciences and management with the prospect of integrating the economic workforce as quickly as possible. The employment possibilities being extremely diversified, students cannot limit their studies to either law or management. On the contrary, they should be able to adapt to the function they will occupy and to initiate a productive dialogue with the other specialists of the company. Students are able to find positions quickly in insurance companies, banks and law firms. They may also under certain conditions, be admitted to Law school to obtain a law degree and take professional examinations to become solicitors or barristers. Others pursue a career in business management or in human resources.
Small groups
Group projects
Continual assessment
Tutorials available
Computer laboratory with access to the Internet
Multimedia language teaching facilities
Motivated teaching staff
Visiting lecturers from the professional world
Students can be housed in students’ residences which are managed by the CROUS.(5, rue d’Arsonval, BP 187, 38019 GRENOBLE ). Otherwise private flats are available for rent in the town.
The IUT is itself close to the railway station and within walking distance of the centre of Grenoble.
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